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to Rachel Cresswell, warwickshire police,
re my client Mr Singh,
today,s date is friday 15th February 2019,


to date, you have failed to provide me with the custody records, and the full disclosure, that is required for your claim against my client, Mr Singh,

you, with your coleagues, pulled my client over, in a police riot van, when he was in his car, 

i further require you, to provide me with all of the names, and collar numbers,
of your coleagues, whom were with you in the riot van, at 1:30 am of saturday 26th january 2019,

in addition, you are still in possession of my clients mobile phone, of which you are not allowed to detain,

i await your written response, via this email,
yvonne pears

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I require you to forward this email on to the CaseCoordinationCaseworkworker@westmercia.pnn.police.uk,as the email you provided above does not work,

to the Case Co-ordination Case Worker at West Mercia
re the Custody records of gurpreet singh

arresting officer Rachel Cresswel PC 151 | D Shift Patrol | South Warwickshire
Email rachel.cresswell@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk
Address Warwickshire Police |Greys Mallory Base | Europa Way | Warwick | CV34 6RN

today,s date is tuesday 5th february 2019,
my name is yvonne pears, and i represent gurpreet singh,
please provide me with the custody records, in their entirety in regard to my client, whom was arrested on the 26th january, at 1:30am,

i require a response in writing only, via this email address,
email: thecommonlawparty@mail.com

kind regards
yvonne pears

Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2019 at 11:09 AM
From: postmaster@westmercia.pnn.police.uk
To: thecommonlawparty@mail.com

re; alleged traffic violation

to PC Rachel Cresswell 1581
today,s date is thurday 31st january 2019,

i am lawyer yvonne pears, gurpreet singh,s representation
cocoa interspace international global common law courts of justice,

i phoned you at the start of your evening shift, on saturday 26th january, to locate my client,s phone, that you had taken from him, and the time that you had recorded that you had arrested him,

you said that you had arrested my client at 1:30am on the morning of the 26th of january, 

my client gurpreet singh, was continuously refused, his lawful rights to notify me of his detention, until 7:53 am, 
therefore, for the benefit of any doubt, or any issues later on, i am making it known to you, that the name, pears, is jewish

i yvonne pears, hereby, on this day, thurday 31st january 2019, on behalf of my cleint gurpreet singh, require ALL POLICE RECORDS, inter alia
in regard to my client, of which includes cusdody records,

due to the fact that my client has never, ever, had any dealings with the police, in his entire life, your arrest and detainment, has  traumatised him, therefore, i formally request, that you do not have physical contact with him, without prior notice to myself, via this email or my phone,
[my phone number is 07719532818,

you told me that you did not have my client,s phone, and it was
PC Fletcher 1366 whom had taken charge of it, and seized it,
you also assured me that the police had not been snooping my into client,s phone, as it had been placed within the kiosk procedure,
and you were unable to say, when my client,s phone will be returned to him,
i require you to keep me updated about my client,s phone, 
especially as my client,s rights to privacy, is compromised, including personal political party information,

please provide all records that you hold in regard of my client, as soon as possible, as my fees to the MP Sajid Javid, at the Home Office, are £1000 per hour, 

kind regards, yvonne pears