click on individual links below
[28th august 2018],
1] yvonne pears house 12151
2] fraser house 12152
[29th august 2018]
3] melody house 12153
4] Palladium house 12154
[ 30th august 2018]
5] gospel house 12158
[ 23rd december 2018]
6] simran house 12159
[14th january 2019]
7] caroline house 12157
see on our home page,
the worlds largest court case, proof of why,
you need to register here
registered properties,
will receive a
certificate of registration,
this is a *Building Title Deed*,
of which is a lawful claim,
and ownership, of our immovable buildings, on our land,
the registrations will be published,
and they will also, be kept in
our ledgers, of registrations,
the registered properties,
are protected under the common law court jurisdiction and copyright,
in addition, counterfeit Title Deeds, remove your covenant, for quiet enjoyment against Trespass,
and the widespread,
unlawful entries,
by the Police and Bailiffs etc,
your right to quiet enjoyment, from unlawful Trespassers, against your home will be restored, by your registration,